I am a very shy person at first but I don't hide anything from anyone and I think others should do the same. I don't think people should lie or sugarcoat things to hide who they really are in fear of not being accepted. There are millions of people in the world, who cares if a few don't get it? Everyone is unique and important, never be ashamed to show your true colors.
I think its better to have one or two friends who truly know you and accept it than dozens of friends that only know what you let them. It's very sad when your surrounded by friends but still feel isolated and alone.
Save yourself some self inflicted heartache and just be yourself. Don't feel that somethings wrong with you when your rejected, realize that it has to do with that person judging you (not that they're wrong either). No one is wrong in being who they are, its the only thing that's right.
In being your own person your entitled to your own believes and opinions, and I think they stem from how you were taught and how you took it. From day one your fed and given all sorts of information, 'facts,' lectures, morals, lessons, a code of conduct. Some people adapt perfectly to what they are taught and take it in with the same emotions as the educator projected onto them. But perception of what your shown is what makes unified reality impossible. Reality can only be perceived by the eyes of the beholder, taking emotional symbolism and tying it to the knowledge given.
What is bad for one person is good for another, what makes me smile can make someone sick, what you think as funny I find offensive. Just because a group of people find you unalluring or not worth socializing with doesn't mean you are. But to think your so individualized in every way is plain silly. There are billions of people in the world, many people have a lot more in common with you than you realize. The ones that don't see this are usually micro picking.
Please put the magnifying glass away and look at the big picture.
Its like saying no one makes chocolate chip cookies like I do. Yes, true, maybe they don't, but almost everyone makes chocolate chip cookies don't they? Maybe its two completely different recipes but they both taste like chocolate chip cookies. Meaning, just because a person didn't go though exactly what you did, or they're believes and habits are not quite the same as you, doesn't make them so extremely different. Stop isolating yourself, stop hiding from the world.
Learn to love and respect yourself then the world will follow after, or not, oh well you have too much self respect to care ;)